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Influence of Harsh Construction Environment on Cutter Suction Dredgers


The cutter suction dredger is working in a construction environment with high winds and waves. It is simple to cause the ship to continuously bump up and down. When the reamer is in hard soil, the hydraulic pressure of the reamer becomes extremely unstable, and the reamer itself becomes blocked. The reamer head is knocked and unbalanced, which not only damages the reamer teeth and knife back, but may also break the right-angle fixing bolt (head and screw) of the reamer bearing box floating seal ring assembly, resulting in the floating seal ring O-ring. The ring is shattered. Construction team countermeasures (pointing to a solution to the problem): 1. When necessary, halt construction. 2. A hydraulic anti-wave compensator is installed on the bridge frame. 3. Control the dredging depth. 4. Installation procedures for an anti-blocking hydraulic system.

Some soils are softer than others due to the different construction environments that dredgers face, and poor soil quality will also have a significant impact on the dredge pump. Different soil properties cause varying amounts of wear (a fundamental type of component failure) on the mud pump. The mud pump's wear is proportional to the proportion of sediment particles and is related to the hardness of the soil. The sand flow thrown by the impeller impacts and scours the flow channel on the inner wall of the mud pump casing. Wear can be classified into two types: abrasive erosion wear and stress wear caused by impact. Wear can be classified into two types: abrasive erosion wear and stress wear caused by impact. These harsh soil conditions have a significant impact on the mud pump's service life. The construction team's actions (pointing to a solution to the problem): 1. The mud pump has wear-resistant welding and grid welding to increase service life; 2. The mud pump is made of high-chromium cast iron.

Each dredger's construction team faces a very different construction environment. Some harsh environments will damage the dredger's hull and reamer, reducing its service life. As a result, we clearly understand the construction before it begins. Environment. To ensure that the dredger can be used normally without causing damage to the Cutter Suction Dredgers' equipment.


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